The lecture-free period and the exam phase are just around the corner again. Here you can find the exam schedule for the winter semester 2024/2025. Further information can be found in the corresponding Moodle courses.
The Chair of Construction Materials wishes you good luck with your exam preparation!
The year is drawing to a close and Christmas is just around the corner!
Fittingly, this year's concrete Christmas tree has already been erected at the department. This year, the tree consists of two thin, interlocking silhouettes made of polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete. The fibers improve the cracking and breaking behavior and give the filigree silhouette its stability.
The Chair of Construction Materials wishes you happy holidays!
From November 11 to 13, 2024, the Chair of Construction Materials Technology - Ruhr-Universität Bochum was part of the symposium in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The event brought together experts from all over the world to discuss the further development of sustainable and resilient construction methods in concrete construction under the motto “ReConStruct - Resilient Concrete Structures”.
We were able to actively contribute to the international discussion and present our research in two lectures:
M.Sc. Niklas Schäfer presented his work on the influence of microfibers on flexural fatigue of high-strength concretes. This promising approach has the potential to significantly extend the service life of concrete structures.
M.Sc. Maximilian Weiß presented a newly developed test setup for simulating joint deformations in carbon concrete - with initial results that met with great interest.
The symposium provided an excellent platform to share our research, receive valuable feedback and benefit from the experience of international scientists.
Particularly impressive was the venue, which is considered a model of resilience and innovation after the devastating earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
Many thanks to the organizers of the Concrete NZ Learned Society for this successful event.
We are pleased to announce a new research project that addresses the challenges of rising temperatures for concrete technology. Together with the Forschungsgemeinschaft Transportbeton e.V. and the Institute for Building Materials at Leibniz Universität Hannover, M. Sc. Julia Neumann from the Chair of Construction Materials Technology is investigating the effects of increased fresh concrete and curing temperatures during hardening on the durability-relevant properties of various concrete groups.
The aim is also to develop practical methods that enable durable and sustainable concrete construction even under future, increasingly hot climatic conditions. The project “Effects of increased fresh concrete and curing temperatures on the durability of concrete” is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Industrial Collective Research (IGF) for the period from 01.09.2024 to 31.08.2026.
This year's Mouse Day took place on October 3, giving children the opportunity to gain fascinating insights into scientific topics in a fun way. A large number of chairs from the entire Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering were represented. We from the Chair of Building Materials Technology were also able to take the children on a special journey into the world of concrete. In workshops, the children were able to get to know the basics of concrete in a practical way and independently concreted either a mouse or an elephant. The chemical processes in concrete and the function of reinforcement in concrete were illustrated in practical demonstrations.
Many thanks to the entire organization team for this wonderful day. We would especially like to thank the Institute for Tunnelling and Construction Management, represented by Dr.-Ing. Britta Schößer, for kindly making the bentonite laboratory available and for their support in planning our workshop!
From September 15 to 18, 2024, our Chair of Construction Materials at the Ruhr University Bochum took part in the 11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete at the Dorinthotel Dresden! Niklas Schäfer started the first day of the event with an exciting presentation on his research on the influence of microfibers on the fatigue behavior and microcracking of high-strength concretes. In the following poster session, Maximilian Weiß presented an innovative test setup for testing joint superstructures on textile-reinforced traffic areas.
Many thanks to the organizers for the excellent event and the valuable opportunity for scientific exchange!
From August 25 to 29, 2024, the Chair of Construction Materials Engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum took part in the 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements (ICCP) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. At the beginning of the event, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher was honored for his many years of commitment to the International Society for Concrete Pavements and awarded honorary membership. In his lecture on joint superstructures on traffic areas made of textile-reinforced concrete, Maximilian Weiß presented a new type of test setup for simulating joint movements in concrete roads as well as initial research results. In addition to the numerous scientifically valuable presentations and workshops on concrete road construction, the conference provided an excellent opportunity to exchange information on the latest developments in research and practice.
We are already looking forward to seeing you again at the next ICCP in 2026!
As part of the bachelor course “Baustofftechnik II”, dedicated students had the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the production of wooden elements for prefabricated houses. The excursion took us to Holzbauprofis in Wetter, where, after a brief introduction to the history of the timber trade, we were able to experience the entire production process up close - from the first steps to the finished building element. It was particularly exciting when the students had to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice: they were able to put their skills to the test by building a load-bearing bridge out of wood without any connecting elements such as screws or nails.
A big thank you to Die Holzbauprofis for the excellent organization of this instructive excursion!
The Chair of Construction Materials organized an exciting practical course on crack injection. Two employees from MC-Bauchemie visited us at the Ruhr University with various fillers in their luggage to introduce the Master's students to different methods of crack filling. In addition to the practical part, in which the students were able to get hands-on, the theoretical basics were also taught in a clear and practice-oriented manner. This was the second successful practical course with the participation of MC-Bauchemie - we look forward to further cooperation!
As part of the event "Durability and repair of concrete structures", the students gained practical insights into the topic of concrete repair at the MC-Bauchemie training center in Bottrop. into the topic of concrete repair. As a supplement to the accompanying lecture, the students were able to apply procedures for building inspection and substrate preparation after a short briefing and independently carry out the installation of concrete replacement and surface protection systems. Special thanks go to Product Management Concrete Repair and Application Technology IN for the excellent organization.
The 19th German Concrete Canoe Regatta took place on the Havel from June 13-15, 2024. The aim of this competition is to design and construct a buoyant canoe made of concrete. Over the past four months, the "Concrete Canoe RUB" team from the Chair of Building Materials Technology has designed a concrete canoe, concreted it with a self-built formwork and finally successfully launched it into the water. On the regatta weekend, the students competed in three different conselations against other teams from all over Europe in order to compete with them on the water. In addition to a floatable canoe, the students also had to demonstrate their paddling skills.
On 24.05.2024, the KIB summer party took place for the second time in the test hall of the construction part test. The occasion for the party included
farewell to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher and the welcoming and introduction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Iurie Curoșu as the new holder of the Chair of Building Materials Technology. During this ceremony, both were honored for their achievements with numerous gifts and speeches.
For this year's Girls' Day, the event was relaunched under the motto "Introduction to the world of concrete" and expanded thematically.
Schoolgirls were given the exciting opportunity to experience the diversity and possible applications of concrete up close and with their own hands during a visit to the laboratory.
with their own hands.
Particularly impressive was the independent production of miniature versions of the RUB campus landmark, the Audimax, from colored mortar.
This gave the students a first insight into the possibilities opened up by digitalization and the interdisciplinary connection of civil engineering with other technical fields.
construction with other technical fields.
In order to produce the negative mold for the miniature editions, a CAD model was created in advance based on drone images of the lecture hall.
This model was then 3D-printed and ultimately formed the template for the production of the reusable silicone formwork.
Another focus was on the optimization potential of concrete with regard to climate change and the scarcity of resources.
It was shown which approaches exist or are still required in order to meet future challenges.
The workshop was organized and carried out in cooperation with the Press and Public Relations Department of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
and the Institute of Concrete Structures.
The new semester starts in a few days. You can find the current course offerings in the post. You can find more detailed information about the courses in the summer term in the corresponding Moodle courses.
The Chair of Construction Materials Technology wishes you every success in the coming semester!
On March 25, 2024, Mr. M.Sc. Sven Plückelmann successfully defended his dissertation on the topic "Experimental investigations on the compression behavior of highly porous concretes and their individual components". The doctoral committee consisted of the following members:
The Chair of Construction Materials Engineering would like to congratulate Mr. Plückelmann on successfully completing his doctorate!
The lecture-free period and the exam phase are just around the corner again. Here you can find the exam schedule for the winter semester 2023 / 2024. Further information can be found in the corresponding Moodle courses.
The Chair of Construction Materials Technology wishes you good luck with your exam preparation!
The year is drawing to a close and Christmas is just around the corner!
Fittingly, this year's concrete Christmas tree has already been erected at the chair. The trunk is made of colored grouting mortar with a core of extruded polystyrene to save weight. The branches and the star at the top were made from offcuts of rod and mat reinforcement. Instead of conventional Christmas tree baubles, our concrete Christmas tree is decorated with samples of color pigments and various binding agents.
The Chair of Building Materials Technology wishes you happy holidays!
Die Betonkanu-Regatta vereint die Disziplinen des Betonbaus und der Bootsbautechnik. In diesem sowohl technischen als auch sportlichen Wettkampf treten Teams aus verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Institutionen gegeneinander an.
Der Lehrstuhl für Baustofftechnik wird bei der kommenden Regatte in 2024 erneut mit einem Team aus Studierenden an den Start gehen. Die Teilnahme ist sowohl für Bachelor- als auch Masterstudierende (BI & UI) im Rahmen einer Projektarbeit (B.Sc. / M.Sc.) möglich.
Nähere Informationen zur Veranstalltung und zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.
In a few days the new semester will start. The current course offerings can be found in the post, more detailed information can be found in the corresponding Moodle courses.
The Chair of Building Materials Technology wishes you good luck for the upcoming semester!
On September 26 and 27, the 10th anniversary of the DAfStb took place at the RWTH Aachen University in combination with the 62nd Research Colloquium. The overall focus of the colloquium was on sustainability and climate neutrality. From our chair, the entire staff of scientific employees was on site to participate in the extremely interesting lectures.
From September 13 to 15, 2023, the 21st International Building Materials Conference ibausil took place in Weimar.
In addition to numerous, scientifically valuable presentations, there was the opportunity to exchange information about current developments in research and practice.
The Chair of Building Materials Engineering was represented by the presentations of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher with the title "Performance-related evaluation of the durability of concrete structures by acceptance tests suitable for construction sites", M.Sc. Luca Kempf with the title "Experimental investigations on the compression behavior of highly porous concretes" and M.Sc. Maximilian Weiß with the title "Modified test methods for the evaluation of fresh concrete rheology suitable for construction sites".
Since the beginning of October 2022, Florian Schröter Dommes has supported us as an assistant at the Chair of Building Materials Technology as part of the VSY offered by the Junge Uni. As a student intern, he has gained insights into scientific work from both a theoretical and practical perspective. We would like to thank you for the good cooperation and helpful support during your time at the chair and wish you all the best for your future!
From 25-28 June 2023, the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads took place in Krakow, Poland.
Under the motto "Concrete Roads to the Green World", the event offered the opportunity to exchange current knowledge and results from the fields of new construction, maintenance and repair of concrete roads.
The Chair of Building Materials Technology was represented by a lecture by M.Sc. Julia Neumann entitled "Thin Concrete Overlays with Carbon Reinforcement for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements as Alternative Joint Sealing" and by M.Sc. David Ov with the title "Reliable Test Procedure for the Characterization of Joint Sealants in Concrete Pavements".
From 14-16 June 2023, the SynerCrete Conference took place on Milos, Greece.
At the international RILEM Conference on Sustainability and Robustness of Concrete Structures and Cement-based Materials with more than 290 participants and over 210 presentations, the Chair of Building Materials Engineering was also represented by Mr. M.Sc. David Ov and his presentation "Assessment of Deviations in Concrete Properties Quantified Under Laboratory Conditions and from the Construction Site".
The presentation covered the current research results of the joint project "Durability according to the Performance Principle" (IGF project no. 21823 N).
The 14th Symposium of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) took place in Istanbul from June 05 to 07. This year's event once again provided an opportunity for substantive exchange on recent advances and future perspectives in durability, sustainability and resistance of concrete and reinforced concrete structures.
The Chair of Building Materials Engineering was represented by a presentation by M.Sc. David Ov entitled "Durability of concrete: assessing the performance achieved in the laboratory and on the construction site". The paper covered the current research results of the collaborative project "Durability according to the Performance Principle" (IGF project no. 21823 N).
We would like to thank the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) for funding the project and the members of the project committee for their suggestions and support.
On May 17, 2023, Mr. M. Eng. Ivan Paric successfully defended his dissertation with the topic "Acquisition and in situ control of rheological properties of SCC". The doctoral committee was composed of the following members:
The Chair of Building Materials Technology would like to congratulate Mr. Paric on successfully completing his doctorate!
This year, after a two-year break from Corona, Girls' and Boys' Day finally took place again. The Chair of Building Materials Technology was again represented with a workshop under the motto "Concrete is colorful!" The title deliberately refers to the diversity of concrete as a building material.
Within the scope of the practice-oriented workshop, the students were given insights into the diverse properties and possible applications of the material. In addition, they were given the opportunity to deal creatively with the design diversity of concrete as a building material, to produce it independently and to test the fresh concrete properties.
At the same time, the diverse tasks of a civil engineer's day-to-day work were also conveyed. Afterwards, the concrete produced could be colored independently with color pigments and poured into a wide variety of shapes. As a souvenir of this year's Girls' and Boys' Day, the participants were allowed to take home the freshly made "artificial stones". These now have to harden in the formwork after one day and can then be stripped by the participants and treated accordingly with the newly acquired knowledge.
The Chair of Building Materials Technology would like to thank the Junge Uni RUB for the excellent organization.
More information about the Girls' and Boys' Day and further offers for pupils can be found here and here.
Last week, employees from the Chair of Building Materials Technology accompanied the concreting of the superstructure of a new bridge being built on the A44 near Kassel. The construction project is being carried out by the Josef Raedlinger Group of Companies.
The reason for this was, on the one hand, the validation of modified fresh concrete testing methods under construction site conditions within the framework of the AiF e.V.-funded research project "Processing of fresh concrete surfaces - development of adequate testing methods for the early evaluation of fresh concrete" (IGF project no. 21499 N).
On the other hand, test specimens as well as a demonstrator slab were produced on site, which serve the subsequent investigation of the chloride penetration resistance, the carbonation depth as well as the compressive strength within the scope of the AiF e.V.-funded research project "Durability according to the Performance Principle" (IGF project no. 21823 N).
As part of the long-standing cooperation with the Alfried Krupp School Laboratory, the student project "Concrete Corrosion and Rehabilitation" took place again at the beginning of March. The project represented the conclusion for a seventh grade class of their series of lessons on the subject of historic preservation and building restoration and offered the students the opportunity to deepen their previously learned knowledge through the practical application of common restoration methods.
The first port of call this time was the GC building on the RUB campus, which is a listed building and has been decommissioned for imminent demolition. Together with the project manager responsible for the demolition, they were able to examine the building fabric and the interaction of concrete and steel in the composite material reinforced concrete. They used non-destructive measuring methods such as the rebound hammer to determine the concrete compressive strength and the profometer to determine the position of the reinforcement under the concrete cover.
The students then determined the carbonation depth of various structural components in the exterior of the building and took concrete samples for a moisture measurement using the calcium carbide method. At the Institute for Structural Engineering (KIBKON), trained building material testers demonstrated this method and then assisted the students with a complete repair of reinforced concrete beams.
The full-day internship allowed the students to apply and deepen their theoretical knowledge on concrete corrosion and rehabilitation of a listed structure in practice. It gave them the opportunity to gain an insight into the day-to-day work of engineers in the field of structural engineering.
On November 02, 2022, the workshop on "Current developments on annular gap mortar in mechanized tunneling" took place within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center 837. At the event, current
developments and experiences in the field of annular gap grouting were presented and discussed both from a research perspective and from a practical point of view.
The speakers were Dr. Paul Gehwolf (Dr. Spang GmbH), Dipl.-Ing. Maik Weber (Wayss & Freytag), Tilman Schade M. Sc. (PORR GmbH) and Tagir Iskhakov M. Sc. (RUB, Chair of Statics and Dynamics).
In addition, the Institute for Building Materials was represented by both a lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher entitled "Deformable annular gap mortars for compressive rock" and a lecture by Dr. Bou-Young Youn-Čale on "Test methods for assessing the consolidation potential of annular gap mortars".
Since the beginning of October, Florian Schröter Dommes has been supporting us at the chair as part of the VSY offered by the Junge Uni. As a student intern, he gets insights into the diverse activities of the scientific staff. In addition, he supports the research and evaluation of various analysis results. Participants of the VSY can attend lectures of their choice in addition to the work at the chair and acquire credits in these as desired.
Furthermore, events are offered for study orientation as well as for getting to know the Ruhr-University.
The 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR 2022) was held in Cape Town from October 3 to 5. The event was organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Cape Town and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and focused this year on the topics of durability and structural performance of concrete.
The Institute for Building Materials was represented by a presentation of Ms. M. Sc. Julia Neumann entitled "Thin bonded overlayswith carbon reinforcement for concrete pavements".
Information about the event can be found here.
From September 26 to 27, the first half of the 61st Research Colloquium with the 9th Annual Meeting of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) was held at Pullmanns Hotel Dresden. The event offered informative insights into current research projects of the Institute for Building Materials as well as the Institute for Solid Construction of the Technical University of Dresden.
The first day of the event was rounded off by the evening event in the laboratory of the Institute for Building Materials, where the participants* were given live demonstrations of 3D printing processes with concrete, among other things.
On the second day of the event, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher gave a lecture entitled "Change in concrete construction - current challenges" in the session on "Fresh concrete and rheology".
Information about the event can be found here.
On September 26 and 27, the 61st Research Colloquium consisting of the Carbon and Textile Concrete Days 2022 and the 9th Annual Conference of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) will be held at Pullmans Hotel Dresden.
Thematically, this year's event focuses on the research areas of fresh concrete rheology, impact loading of hardened concrete, fatigue and durability as well as additive manufacturing in concrete construction. The Chair
for Building Materials Technology is represented by a lecture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher with the title "Change in Concrete Construction - Current Challenges".
Information about the event can be found here.
The student assistants of the Institute for Building Materials have participated in the project "reCYCL:ING" of the Press and Public Relations Department of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. As part of the project, the planters in the immediate vicinity of the I-building row, which are in need of renovation, are being repaired. This concerns not only the planting but also the exterior appearance. For example, both planters refurbished by the Department of Building Materials Technology were clad with a surrounding concrete facing. The concrete used contains polymer fibers that improve durability as well as resistance to weathering. When the contents of the bucket were replaced, large quantities of plastic packaging waste came to light, which led to the idea of setting an example for a more sensible and sustainable use of plastic.
For more information on the reCYCL:ING project, click here.
To read the RUB News article, click here.
On September 14 and 15, the conference Praxis Transportbeton 2022 took place in Berlin. This year's congress, organized by the Bundesverband Transportbeton (BTB), featured contributions from research and practice on the topics of decarbonization of concrete construction, climate protection and the circular economy, including two contributions from the Institute for Building Materials:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher gave a lecture entitled "On the construction site - trust and control" in which, among other things, current results of the research project "Durability according to the performance principle" were presented.
Ms. M. Sc. Julia Neumann presented the results of her research topic "Effects of increased fresh concrete and storage temperatures on fresh and hardened concrete properties" in her lecture entitled "Concrete construction at high temperatures - what works, what doesn't?".
Further information on the event can be found here.
On Wednesday, September 7, Dr.-Ing. Bou-Young Youn-Čale from the Institute for Building Materials gave a presentation on "Test Methods for Verification of Suitability for different Grouting Materials" at the World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2022) in Copenhagen. Under this year's motto "Underground Solutions - for a world in change", numerous contributions were presented on the topic of sustainable and environmentally friendly construction and operation of underground infrastructure structures.
Further information on the event can be found here.
On September 14 and 15, the conference Praxis Transportbeton 2022 will take place at the Hotel Titanic Chaussee in Berlin. Organized by the Bundesverband Transportbeton, this year's congress will focus thematically on the areas of
decarbonization, climate protection and sustainability, and durability of concrete. The Institute for Building Materials will be represented by a lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher entitled "On the construction site - trust and control" as well as a lecture by Ms. M. Sc. Julia Neumann on the topic of concrete construction at high temperatures.
Further information on the event can be found here.
From September 05-07, 2022, the Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2022) will be held in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference, which has been held since 2001, serves academics, researchers, and practitioners for the exchange of recent achievements and developments in the field of structural mechanics. The Institute for Building Materials is represented by M. Sc. Niklas Schäfer and his presentation titled "Fatigue behavior and crack opening tests under tensile stress on HPSFRC: experimental ans numerical investigations".
Information about the event can be found here.
From September 2-8, the World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2022) will take place in Copenhagen. Under the motto "Underground Solutions- for a changing world", the congress will present
sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions for the use of underground infrastructure.
In the plenary session entitled Mechanized Tunneling 5, Dr. Bou-Young Youn Cale will give a presentation on "Test Methods forVerification of Suitability for different Grouting Materials."
For more information on the event, click here.
From June 22-24, 2022, EURO:TUN 2021, scheduled for 2021, was held at the Ruhr University Event Center in Bochum, Germany. As part of the event, which presents results from 12 years of experimental and numerical research of the Collaborative Research Center 837 "Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling", M.Sc. Sven Plückelmann from the Institute for Building Materials gave a presentation titled "Cementitious materials with high compressibility for deformation-tolerant tunnel lining".
Further information on EURO:TUN 2021 can be found here.
From June 21-23, 2022 the 66th BetonTage took place under the motto "Sustainable construction with concrete" in the Congress Centrum Ulm. The Institute for Building Materials was represented by several employees on site. In the context of the panel 6 "Innovative solutions in building construction" Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher held a lecture with the title "The new generation of standards DIN 1045 - signpost to an optimized concrete construction quality" and presented in another lecture with the title "New test methods for the practical evaluation of fresh concrete rheology" the current state of research of the project "Processing of fresh concrete surfaces".
Further information on the BetonTage can be found here.
On December 15, 2021, Mr. M.Sc. Robin Przondziono successfully defended his dissertation with the topic "Effects of fatigue-induced concrete degradation on the penetration behavior of liquid media".The dissertation committee was composed of the following members:
The Institute for Building Materials congratulates Mr. Przondziono on the successful completion of his doctorate!
From September 08-10, 2021, the third fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS2021) took place as a hybrid event in Prague, Czech Republic. Mr. David Ov, Mr. Luca-Alexander Kempf, Mr. Robin Przondziono and Ms. Julia Neumann presented the current research results of the Institute for Building Materials during the conference.
On March 18, 2021, the virtual edition of the German Construction Technology Day took place under the motto "Construction Factory of the Future" with around 1,500 participants from the fields of planning, construction industry, research and politics.
In the plenary session entitled "Concrete construction | Quo vadis?", Professor Dr.-Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher gave a presentation on "Resource-efficient construction with concrete". The subsequent lecture by Professor Dr.-Ing Christoph Müller (Honorary Professor at the Institute for Building Materials) focused on the "Decarbonization of concrete construction".
For more information on the German Construction Technology Day 2021, please click here.
The Institute for Building Materials congratulates Mr. M.Sc. Christoph Schulte-Schrepping on the successful disputation on July 16, 2020. His dissertation entitled "Material concepts for the activation of annular gap filling materials in mechanized tunneling" was written at the Chair of Construction Materials Engineering within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 837 "Interaction models for mechanized tunneling".
The picture shows Dr.-Ing. Bou-Young Youn-Câle handing over the traditional doctoral hat to M.Sc. Schulte-Schrepping.
On 24.07.2020, Mr. M.Sc. Enno Krütt successfully defended and passed his doctoral thesis on the topic "Investigations on the effect of fatigue-induced concrete degradation in pavements on the damaging alkali-silica reaction". The Institute for Building Materials congratulates him warmly.
On November 26 and 27, 2019, the STUVA Conference and Expo 2019 took place at Messe Frankfurt. In addition to numerous technical presentations on the topic of tunneling, Mr. Christoph Schulte-Schrepping gave a presentation entitled "Novel material concepts for annular gap mortar in mechanized tunneling - cement substitution, superabsorbent polymers, new test methods, large-scale test" as part of the "Young Forum" at the STUVA Conference.
For more information on the 2019 STUVA conference, click here.
On November 25-26, 2019, the 3rd SAP2019 International Conference was held in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Mr. David Ov, M.Sc. gave a talk during the conference on "Solidification of two-component-grouts by the use of superabsorbent polymers as activator", presenting the current research results from the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 837.
Further information about the conference can be found here.
On September 12, 2019, the first research forum of the ready-mixed concrete industry took place in Leipzig as part of the Ready-Mixed Concrete Days 2019. Ms. Julia Neumann, M.Sc. and Mr. Dipl.-Ing Christoph Begemann (Leibniz Universität Hannover) gave a presentation entitled "Testing the sedimentation stability of concrete under vibration action - insights into the applicability of the washout test", in which the current joint research on this topic was presented.
More information on the conference can be found here and as a video recording here.
Image source: BTB/WWS Film Berlin
From September 08-11, 2019, the second international RheoCon conference took place in Dresden. Mr. Stephan Hoves, M.Sc. gave a presentation there on "Evaluation of fresh concrete stickiness with respect to helicopter smoothing", in which potential methods for early evaluation of fresh concrete stickiness were presented.
More information about the conference can be found here.
This year's Whitsun excursion of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering took place from 11 to 14 June 2019. It was organized by the Institute for Building Materials in cooperation with the Institute for Statics and Dynamics as well as Tunneling, Pipeline Construction and Construction Operations.
The Whitsun excursion enabled 26 students to gain insight into some areas of civil engineering. Current construction projects from the departments of structural and bridge engineering, civil engineering and tunneling, as well as building materials technology were visited.
First of all, the Wittekind Portland cement plant in Erwitte and the admixture plant of Cemex Admixtures GmbH in Salzkotten were visited. In Kassel, various viaducts and tunnel structures in the course of the expansion of the A44 were on the agenda the next day. The third day took the travel group to Stuttgart, where the "Stuttgart 21" traffic and urban development project and tunnel structures of the new Stuttgart - Ulm line were visited. On the last day of the excursion, the students visited the shell of the underground transport station "Gateway Gardens" in Frankfurt. The last stop was also in Frankfurt at the "Frankfurt Four" construction site. Here, the Trevi company showed the students the special civil engineering work currently taking place for the planned high-rise buildings.
Further information about the Whitsun excursion can be found here.
From May 3 to May 9, 2019, the World Tunnel Congress (WTC) 2019 "Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art" took place in Naples, Italy.
From the Institute for Building Materials, Christoph Schulte-Schrepping and Sven Plückelmann presented posters with recent research results from the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 837. Mr. Schulte-Schrepping gave a presentation during the conference on the topic of "innovative annular gap grouts" entitled "Development of a test setup for the stimulation of the annular gap grouting on a semi technical scale".
More information about WTC 2019 can be found here.
On March 07 and 08, 2019, the German Concrete and Construction Technology Association E.V. (DBV) held this year's German Construction Technology Day at the ICS Stuttgart. Under the motto "Change needs visions and doers", 80 lectures and 60 exhibitors offered the approximately 1,500 participants new impulses from the practice of design and construction as well as science. Representatives of the Institute for Building Materials, the Chair of Structural Analysis and Dynamics and the Collaborative Research Center 837 were on site.
From October 07-11, 2018, the fifth international fib congress took place in Melbourne, Australia. With over 650 participants from different nations, the event featured a diverse program that included current technical topics on betom.
Mr. M.Sc. David Ov gave a presentation on "Material Fatigue of Steel Fiber Reinforced High Performance Concrete for On- and Offshore Wind Turbines".
More information can be found here.
Chair of Construction Materials
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ruhr University Bochum
Universitätsstrasse 150
Building IC 6 - 115
44801 Bochum
✆: 0234 32 - 28649
℻: 0234 32 - 14113